Archive for April, 2007


Ok, I know this is late, but better late than never I say….lol! Thankto Karen. I also think someone else tagged me to but can’t remember who….sorry! So here goes….
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves, people who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names.Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1.. When I was younger I had my front teeth bitten out by a dog.

2.. I have a piercing in my nose and belly button. I also used to have one in my nipple but had to remove it when I was breast feeding Noah. Now I can’t get it back in. 

3.. When I was little I really wanted to be a nurse. But after taking a friend to the hospital and seeing what went on I was like ‘ I’m SO not doing that’……lol!

4..I never hang my towels on the line, they always have to go in the dryer. Just something I do…LOL!

5..When I walk into a shop everything pink stands out and are so asking for me to buy it…..LOL!!  But I think everyone knows this by now.

6.. I had to have every colour Tombow double ended pens (144) and don’t use them…LOL! Just like most things! See it, want it, got to have it!

7.. I never wear flat shoes, all my shoes have a heel of some sort.  I don’t even like sneakers. 

Well that’s it, finally done!  Who to tag, I think just about everyone has been tagged… if you have just ignore it.  I tag Julie, Rachel, Michele (from CHCH), Rochelle, Wendy RB, Debbie and Beverley

New Blog!!!!

Well to start with this is just amazing, 3 posts in 2 days….lol!  And NO I don’t have a new blog but my boys Jarrod and Leigh wanted a blog to blog about what they do and share with some of the kids they did CJ’s with at Scrapbook Essentials a while back.  So if you could pop on over and leave a message for them that would be great.  And maybe if the kids they did do the CJ’s with could also say hi.  And of course anyone else that wants to.  The boys are using the internet of school so thought this would be great for them.  The boys have a cool website they are on and they will add to their blog tomorrow.  It’s cool, even I’m addicted to it…..LOL!

Sneak Peak!

Just thought I would share a sneak peak of one of the pages of the currant CJ round I’m involved in at Scrapbook Essentials.  The is Julie’s CJ  and love how my page turned out and wanted to share.  I also have been playing around with frames (thanks Megan R) .  We are almost ready to send to the north island girls and I can’t wait to start on their CJ’s.  Anyway here is the sneak peak….


Every month since December I receive monthy kits from Meg at Scrapbook Essentials and have only done a few layouts with them.  So I decided to get my A into G and get some done.  SO with Feb’s kit I really loved this layout and just had to do it.  I started it about 2-3 weeks ago and have just finished it today.  Love the photo’s used of Noah. He is soooooo cute!  LOL!

Well just wanted to share and better go and finish some more. Till next time, Cya!

My first day!

Today was the first time I worked on my own at The Scrapbook Company.  I enjoyed it and had soooo much fun and didn’t want to go home.  It was busy with customers and I even had some time to do my own scrapbooking.  I was a bit scared as I didn’t want to do anything wrong but the customers were really understanding with me being a little slow on the computer. LOL!!!!!! I helped out a lady who wanted to do an album for her friends birthday and she hasn’t done any scrapping before and she left on a high.  That felt great! I finished a layout that I wanted to finish for awhile and started a layout with papers I didn’t really like and it looks cool.  A friend told me to find papers I didn’t like and do a layout with them so that’s what I did today.  Cathy has a Cricut in the shop so guess what! I had a wee play, that was fun.  I ordered a Cricut and it’s here, just need to work to pay for it.  Can’t wait to get it. 

Till next time, Cya!!!


Over a week ago I ended up at the doctors with Jarrod and Noah.  Jarrod has shingles (not sure if that is right spelling)LOL!!!  and a urine infection.  Noah also has a virus and not himself and then last Saturday I came down with the flu virus and totally wiped me out for the last week.  The last 3 days I have  had a major migraine and feeling dizzy.  I don’t have the migraine or dizzy feeling today but have a very sore back from lying in bed but am still very weak and just want to sit and do nothing.  The last 3 days I wasn’t able to stand and have a shower so had to have baths and today I managed to have a shower but feel really weak.  Totally wiped me out.  I haven’t felt like this for years. I so HATE being sick and having sick kids. But the kids are on the road to recovery, Jarrod is still on antibiotics for his urine infection and shingles and Noah is better now to.  Let’s hope, fingers crossed that Neil and Leigh don’t get anything.  Well today I think I might just do some scrapbooking if I can. Till next time, take care everyone.

I have moved to here

I have been playing around with this for a while and love the look of my new blog.  I was getting bored with blogger and wanted a change so here I am.  Will take me a while to add  everything again. I woke up this morning not feeling the best so I am staying in my PJ’s today and in front of the computer playing on here.  So watch this space!

Guest Designer For Scrapbook Essentials

A few months back Meg asked me to be a guest designer for one of her monthy kits and I was blown away. It is a huge honour and a wonderful opportunity for me and couldn’t pass on it. I had alot of fun working with Meg on the kit and looking through all the yummy new products that had just been released at CHA was sooooooo much fun. I love what is in Aprils kit and had so much fun working with it and made a really cool quote book. Meg’s kits just keep getting better every month and I am looking forward to the up coming kits. So Meg, Thank you very much for putting your faith in me to do this for you and thank you for the shoulder when I needed it. It means alot!

This is Aprils kit and its just YUMMY! and for the first time this month there were add on kits available and of course I just had to have it….lol

Here are some photos of the quote book I made from Aprils kit.